2018 is the year that we as a generation, parents and salon owners we will look back on and be able to show our kids that we do care about the earth we are leaving for them.
Unfortunately as hairdresser there has always been a sustainable cloud over the industries head, we use multiple chemicals, products and not to mention FOIL!
Harris & Co. Salon personally has alway felt this was a big downfall for our sustainable lifestyle, having to wash unused chemicals down the drain, throwing out bag after bag of hair and foil, knowing that our plastics were only being recycled once and then thrown into landfill.
As we ventured out into our own business we felt to power to do something shift. We didn't have to rely on the company or salon we were working for to make up the rules for waste management or salon sustainability.
Luckily before we even started our new salon venture we had heard of this sustainablilty being offered to salons across Australia and it got us really excited!
Finally companies that lined up with our core values and matched our design style and customers needs.
Finally companies that make it SO easy to be sustainable its hard to say no to.
Finally companies that make us as salon owners and operators feel WHOLE.
We can go home at night to our boys and feel proud that they know we are trying to do our bit for their planet, and to show them that its not hard to be sustainable and make sustainable choices.
The first company we got on board with was Sustainable Salons Australia.
A company that take the hassle out of recycling, reusing and re-purposing with the biggest heart.
Sustainable Salons help you with every aspect of your salon waste disposal, from: Turning your hair scraps into Booms that soak up oil spills, recycling your used foil to make more, taking all your plastics giving them to another Australian company that turns it into firbre optic cable shrouds, your unused chemicals in to WATER used on our roads, along with all your other recycling needs and making it easy with allocated bins and chemical waste disposal systems that fit in with the look for modern salons.
And not only can we recycle through them YOU can too by bringing in your old tools or magazines.
Another factor is their connection with the community,
They also take the money they make from recycling your goods to Oz Harvest to feed the homeless. How could we say no!!
We could go on forever about this amazing company but to spare you if you want to learn more head over to their website linked in the photos.
The other company that we loved even before staring Harris & Co. Salon was Davines, a colour and product line promoting Eco friendly plant based luxurious products that make you feel good about looking good.
Founded in Parma, Italy in 1983 by the Bollati Family, Davines Group started as a research laboratory, producing high-end hair care products for renowned cosmetic companies worldwide. After a decade of honing their expertise, they began creating their own brand of Davines hair care products exclusively for salons.
Several years ago, with the collaboration of LifeGate, Davines adopted a Zero Impact® policy (carbon-neutral) for the pack of their Essential Haircare product line, which was later joined by the family of SU sun-care products, OI and by the styling line more inside.
By adhering to LifeGate's Zero Impact® Project the carbon dioxide emissions generated by the production of the packaging for these lines are offset by the purchasing of carbon credits generated by operations of forests' creation and protection in Italy, Costa Rica and Madagascar, as established by the Kyoto Protocol.
Accordingly, Davines helps developing the vegetation required to restore oxygen that is extracted from the environment.Davines, one of the first Italian cosmetique brands to have joined the Zero Impact® projects, has already contributed to offsetting the emissions of 33.558,272 kg (7.828,198 lbs) of CO2.

One thing is for sure, companies all over the world are understanding the need for their products to be sustainable, and once you delve into the world of sustainability you understand that this isn't a fad, its a movement that needs to take place for us to care for the earth that provides us all with life.
If you'd like to learn more about the sustainable companies that support Harris & Co. Salon just follow the links below, and know the the next haircut or service you have with us is making a difference to our planet.